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{ Category Archives } Fun Stuff

Stand Back! This Graph Is Alive!

This was just too cool for me not to put up on the site, even though I’m not completely happy with it. The data are fairly simple: add up the sprint and mountain points across all riders on a Tour de France team for each stage. So for each stage, each team gets the ordered […]

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Race Summaries: Introduction

This is type of graphic that I hope to do on a semi-regular basis once the World Cup season gets rolling.  These easily fall into the “fun” rather than “serious” category.  If you hadn’t already guessed, I like making graphs.  So these entries will be race summaries, but in graph form.  They are fairly labor […]

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FIS Scheduling Follies

I see on FasterSkier the news that there is already some angst regarding the FIS World Cup race calendar for next season. I have two things say on this topic that takes the form of two graphs…

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Victims & Nemeses: Kris Freeman

This whole victims and nemeses thing is entertaining up to a point, but the most interesting about it is that it sometimes leads me to comparisons and graphs that I wouldn’t have thought of looking at otherwise.  That’s what happened when I sat down today intending to dash off something quick about Kris Freeman’s victims […]

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Gadflies & Punching Bags

Since it’s Friday, here’s something kind of silly… Last week, I introduced the concept of victims and nemeses, for distance races.  A nemesis is a skier who has beaten you on multiple occasions by a small margin (fewer than ten seconds).  Victims are just the reverse: people you have beaten on multiple occasions by fewer […]

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Victims & Nemeses: Marit and Justyna Edition

Earlier this week I described the notion of victims and nemeses, and showed you who Petter Northug’s were for the 2009-2010 season.  You can check back at that link for a description of victims/nemeses.  The basic idea is to count up the number of times you beat someone by a narrow margin (they become a […]

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Victims & Nemeses

This concept is shamelessly stolen from these guys (Thanks, Colin!) and is decidedly in the “less serious” end of the spectrum.  A potential victim is awarded one point every time you defeat them by fewer than ten seconds, two points if the race happens to be an Olympic or World Championship event.  The same goes for […]

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